We are located at 2109 Conestoga Rd, Malvern, PA 19355
Sunday Mornings
We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 9:30. Our service generally lasts for an hour. Children stay and worship with their family. There are busy bags under the welcome table but we have found that kids, no matter the age, are able to learn and pick up details from being part of the worship service.
We believe children are a gift from God, not a distraction. It is for this reason we welcome them in our worship services as they join in on the singing, praying, and hearing of God's word! If the wiggles need to be worked out, there are quiet toys in the foyer for quiet play and a room down the hall where the service is streamed to for louder needs.
Fellowship &
Sunday School
Immediately following worship, we have a time downstairs in the "Family Room" where there is food and drink. It is a time for fellowship with each other. On fifth Sundays, this will be a potluck, but on all others, it is a time to enjoy great food and conversation with one another. Around 11:15 we will break off into Adult Sunday School time, where we are currently working our way through "Devoted to God's Church" by Sinclair Ferguson. During this time all kids are invited to participate in What's in the Bible in order to continue learning important Biblical truths.