Our Story

God’s Grace Bible Church (GGBC) began when a group of like-minded Christians came together with a common passion to know God more fully, love Him more deeply and serve Him more faithfully. God’s Grace Bible Church began in 2007, meeting in Pastor Jon’s Living Room with children’s Sunday School in the basement. Since that time we have outgrown our initial location, but the goal of the church has not changed.

GGBC began and exists not as a place where people can come to be entertained, but rather a place where people can come to get real answers for real questions about life. Where they can come to know God more fully through His word, where they can get involved in real and meaningful relationships with others who know and love the LORD, and where they can be better equipped to serve God in the specific manner He calls them to.  

GGBC is a place for all people who desire to know God more fully, no matter where they are in their relationship with Him. 

What is a Reformed Church?

In short, a Reformed church is one that believes and lives in light of the truths revealed in God’s Word. The chief of these truths is that salvation belongs to the LORD, meaning God saves sinners without the help or cooperation of man in any way because mankind is dead in their sin and trespasses. It is God who mercifully chooses to save sinners in eternity past, sovereignly drawing them to Himself by His Spirit through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, and graciously preserves their souls forever. God alone receives and is worthy of all the glory in the redemption of man. A Reformed church believes that God was pleased to reveal and carry out the redemption of sinners through various covenants, also known as “covenant theology”. Among other things, these covenants help us better understand and interpret the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. These truths are explained with much more depth and precision in the confessions of the Protestant Reformation, and it is to such confessions we look to not only help keep us within the bounds of orthodoxy, but also to rightly apply these biblical truths in our lives for the glory of God (see below).

Our Beliefs

At God's Grace Bible Church we believe that sinners are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, to the glory of God alone. These points, summarized briefly below, give an overview of the Biblical and Reformation truths we hold to as a church family:

Scripture Alone

We believe the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God, both Old and New Testaments, without error in the original manuscripts. The Bible is the final and only infallible authority for faith and life, sufficient to teach us everything that we need to know for salvation through the gospel and to be equipped for every good work in this life.

In Christ Alone

We believe salvation is only found in and through Jesus Christ, the God-man who accomplished redemption for those His Father gave to Him. We cannot contribute anything to this salvation, nor can fallen man be saved in any other way than what God has ordained. Rather, we are saved by the finished work that Christ alone accomplished for sinners through His life, death, and resurrection.

By Grace Alone

We believe salvation, from beginning to end, is an unmerited and undeserved gift from our gracious God. God graciously set His love upon His own before the foundation of the world and sovereignly raised our dead souls to life in time and history, removing any and all room for boasting or pride. 

Through Faith Alone

We believe this salvation and the benefits of Christ’s finished work are received by faith alone. By trusting in Christ, we are united to Him and receive the forgiveness of our sins, adoption, justification, sanctification, and eternal life. We don’t enter into the kingdom of God by faith initially and then prove ourselves to Him by our works, rather we are saved and secure in Christ from the moment we trust in Him to all eternity. 

To God’s Glory Alone

We believe that God alone is worthy of all praise and adoration. Our salvation from beginning to end is the work of our sovereign, gracious God. Therefore it is our Triune God alone who is to receive all the glory and worship, which we’re reminded of each week as we lift up our voices to sing the Doxology!

At GGBC, we understand that there is nothing new or innovative about what we believe. That is why we utilize the great creeds and confessions of the Christian faith, which were carefully formulated throughout church history to guard the gospel and “contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints”. Although these creeds and confessions are not inspired or infallible, we believe they are helpful in clarifying the core doctrines of the Christian faith while protecting us from error. For more in-depth explanations on what we believe and affirm, please see the following:


  • Apostles Creed
  • Nicene Creed
  • Athanasian Creed


  • Westminster Confession of Faith (with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms)

Our Pastor

Pastor Jon is the founding Pastor of God’s Grace Bible Church. Prior to entering full time ministry, Pastor Jon worked in Finance and Management Consulting for various Fortune 500 companies. He is a graduate of Hobart College in Geneva, New York (BA, Economics and Political Science) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois (MDIV). He is currently completing his D.Min from Westminster Theological Seminary in Glenside, PA.   

Pastor Jon was born and raised a Jew and came to faith in Christ after many years of unanswered questions led him to doubt the very existence of God. He is passionate about sharing God’s truth with others and helping them work through questions they have that stand in the way of them living the lives that God has called them to.

His goal as a Pastor is to help people know God more fully, love Him more deeply, and serve Him more faithfully.